East Anglia Region

White Horse

The Street
IP13 0ED
Emailku.oc.esrohetihwnotsae@olleh Telephone(01728) 746456
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsGamesParkingRestaurantDog FriendlyServes LocAle
Opening times: Mon closed; Tue 17:00-22:30; Wed and Thu 12:00-15:00, 17:30-22:30; Fri–Sun 12:00-22:30
Regular beers: Adnams Ghost Ship, Adnams Southwold Bitter

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

An attractive 18th century building with a drinking area to th front and a bar area towards the back. It looks small & quaint from the outside, but is deceptively spacious inside. The pub has a good reputation for food. It also offers a supply of magazines & books plus some board games.