East Anglia Region

Bell Inn

The St
Carlton Colville
NR33 8JR
Emailku.oc.gnidartocdnassom@nnillebeht Telephone(01502) 582873
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSeparate BarDisabled AccessParkingRestaurantDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAleLive MusicBeer Festivals
Opening times: Mon–Sat 12:00-23:00; Sun 12:00-19:00

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This refurbished pub is situated on a street corner and lays back from the road behind the pub's car park and two garden areas, one paved and the other grassed. The main bar and side room have tables for drinking and eating and there is a separate restaurant off the bar area. There is a garden at the side of the pub and another garden as well as a paved patio at the front with tables for customers.