East Anglia Region


8 Bene't Street
Emailku.oc.gnikeneerG@4003 Telephone(01223) 505020
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSmokingDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAleMember Discount Scheme
Opening times: Mon–Wed 12:00-23:00; Thu–Sat 12:00-24:00; Sun 12:00-22:30
Regular beers: Greene King --seasonal--, Greene King Abbot, Greene King IPA

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Probably the most famous pub in Cambridge, with its galleried courtyard and back room ceiling covered with graffiti applied by World War Two airmen. This is also where Watson and Crick announced that, in nearby labs, they had worked out the double helical structure of DNA, the "secret of life". A window at the back of the pub has been open for 300 years - because it's believed a child died in the pub during a fire when the window couldn't be opened. For a time in the early 90s its future was in doubt because of possible redevelopment but common sense prevailed and the pub reopened in 1992. The price to pay was a major expansion of the original two-bar layout to incorporate former office premises fronting Bene't Street. However, this work was sensitively executed and the "new" areas, especially the panelled room to the right of the front entrance, are very attractive. Food from the standard GK managed house menu is served noon - 10 every day. The pumpclip for the "Eagle's DNA" gives no clues as to its origins but we assume it's made by Greene King and is probably a rebadging of another beer (Morland Original?) Guest beers include ales from Milton brewery.